Sticky Toffee Pudding
There is simply nothing better than what I’m about to share with you. I first tried this dessert at the magical Guinea Grill in London. They actually ran out of the dessert I wanted and suggested I try their famous Sticky Toffee Pudding. The first bite was a life-changing moment. How had I survived without this sweet gooey goodness? It’s simple to make and heaven to eat. It would be a great dessert to make for a small or mighty New Year’s Eve celebration!

Thanksgiving Sanity
I haven’t always been a relaxed chef. Thanksgiving is no exception, in fact it would bring out the worst in me. Despite my best intentions to host an easy Thanksgiving holiday, I would spend the entire day held captive in my kitchen only to resent the meal into which I had poured my sweat, blood, and tears. My family would arrive and I’d be wearing the same haphazard outfit I threw on at 6am, the hour at which I had insisted on waking so I could make my pastry dough from scratch. Instead of feeling fresh and fancy free, I looked like something the dog had dragged in, only worse. By the time dinner was on the table I would feel utterly defeated. The food I had spent all day preparing would be devoured in thirty minutes and no sooner had I sat down (for the first time all day) to eat, than I would have to get up to do the dishes.

Setting the Thanksgiving Table
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love the stuffing, the pumping pie, and the easy flow of wine into glasses that clink with the people you love. I love how the entire day is spent anticipating the time you’ll spend gathered around the table to share a meal. There’s a beautiful simplicity to Thanksgiving. It’s not about gifts or gimmicks or fancy, shiny mementos – it’s about giving thanks for what you have.

Arugula Salad with Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
When I was little I used to love everything about Halloween, especially the ritual of carving pumpkins. I took the process very seriously and would draw these elaborate designs only to hear my father, the designated carver, sigh with dread. I loved seeing my creation take shape, evolving from the spark of an idea into a glowing Halloween masterpiece. The results would elicit reactions of sheer delight! We had to cherish those big orange faces while we could, because they would soon begin to decay and our once treasured works of art would be thrown unceremoniously into the garbage. And that would be that.

Late Summer Supper
Am I the only one in shock that it’s already October? When did this happen? It wasn’t until I walked past the Halloween pop-up store on 6th Avenue that it dawned on me – Fall is here. Or is it? The 80 degree weather has me completely thrown; I’m still wearing flip-flops and t-shirts, craving crisp white wines, and generally operating as if it’s summertime.

Mediterranean Quinoa Salad
Let it be known that I do, in fact, eat food that does not include butter, contrary to popular belief (a belief that I have fostered by only posting recipes that include butter). Perhaps in my attempts to give you permission to enjoy yourself and let loose for God’s sake, I’ve only told you half the story. I also eat healthy, butter-free food. Surprise! This Mediterranean Quinoa Salad is my favorite go-to, “fast food”, anytime meal. In the peak of summer, when my CSA offers me a plethora of veggies, I swap out ingredients depending on what I have stocked in my fridge. Making a big batch of quinoa at the beginning of the week allows me to whip up this salad in minutes.

Rosemary Sea Salt Shortbread Cookies
I look for any and every excuse to eat butter. Shortbread is right up my alley and so I was eager to create (and taste test) a solid, no fuss recipe for baked butter. Because I love salted butter the best, these cookies have a generous sprinkling of big crunchy sea salt on top. The rosemary adds just the right amount of savory, making each bite a perfect balance of goodness in your mouth. Before I owned a heavy duty mixer, I would combine all the ingredients with my hands; the heat from your hands will do a fantastic job of mixing the dough. Sometimes I still like to just do it with my hands—it’s a great way to work through emotions or simply be more connected to the process. They are so easy to make and they freeze beautifully! These would be perfect for a cocktail party, or a simple after-dinner treat. They would also make lovely gifts, although you will likely be hard pressed to share. Try to pace yourself . . . or not.

Salade Niçoise
I took two hugely memorable summer trips to Europe as a teenager, accompanied by my whole family. We wandered through Italy, Switzerland, and my beloved France, exploring the tastes and sights as we traveled across the countryside in our rented Volkswagen bus. There were no reservations and no agenda other than the list of flea markets, organized by date and town, which my mother boldly used as our road map.

Stoop Sale Cookies
Last month I decided to get rid of the storage unit I’ve been hanging onto for the past six years. Truth be told, I hadn’t thought much about the unit (thanks to AutoPay) until I started watching the show Storage Wars on A&E. Being a flea market/thrift store fanatic myself, it’s no wonder I like watching a bunch of reality show characters bidding blind on storage units in the hopes of finding something valuable amongst piles of unmarked boxes. I also find it endlessly fascinating that people could just simply abandon their belongings. This point is fantastically ironic given the fact that my storage unit had been all but forgotten save for Christmas when we would make our annual pilgrimage to retrieve the holiday decorations.