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WELLAligned22 Apr 2023

Join Chrissy in person at THE WELL for an excursion into the dynamic alignment of standing postures.


Standing poses are the foundation of asana and offer an amazing opportunity to observe our patterns and refine our approach. In this workshop we’ll dig into the principles and alignment of standing poses through playful prop work, posture assessments, and targeted exercises. You will learn how to work in these postures and leave with a clearer understanding of how that work impacts your practice as a whole.

Workshop Date

Saturday, April 22nd


3:30PM – 5PM


Click here to register or email Bi-weekly members at H(OM)E® receive 15% off (find the coupon code in the On Demand library)!


New York, NY



New York, NY

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  • Thanks for welcoming me into your h(om)e.

    May this meditation help you find the peace within. I look forward to sharing more inspiration and goodies with you in my regular newsletters.

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