Warm Chèvre Frisée Salad with Poached Egg
One of the things I love most about a Saturday with nothing to do is making lunch my big meal of the day. It feels especially fitting this time of year, when it stays light until late in the evening, because I can eat a big meal around three o’clock and then spend the rest of my day outside; I’ll go for a long walk/run on the boardwalk overlooking the city, and then come back and nibble on something light for dinner. So today, as I find myself at home for the first time in a long time (with my picky eater off doing his own thing), I decided to pour my creative juices into a special lunch for one.

Ramp Butter
I had no idea that ramps were a thing until I moved to New York and started frequenting the Union Square Farmer’s Market. Every Spring I would watch what I could only assume were savvy New Yorkers descending upon the one or two tables selling ramps with what appeared to be a mix of excitement and desperation. It was the kind of NYC behavior I had come to know as a reliable indicator of something good. One day I decided to jockey my way through the throngs of devoted ramp enthusiasts to try and see what all of the fuss was about only to feel slightly disappointed when I got to the table and saw what looked like a pile of unassuming spring onions. Despite the anticlimactic introduction, I knew better than to walk away. I bought a bunch and the rest is history.

Kale Avocado Salad with Yogurt Mustard Dressing
This salad has everything going for it—crispy Tuscan kale, creamy avocados, sharp red onions, and nutty Parmesan cheese. But let’s talk about the dressing, because the dressing is really the star of the show. I elevated a simple mustard vinaigrette by adding Greek yogurt, which gives it a thick, rich consistency. It tastes so good, you’ll be convinced it must be really bad for you, which makes for a genuinely satisfying salad.

Blueberry Pancakes
Today I feel happy for no particular reason, although if I had to guess I’d say it probably has something to do with the sunshine and the snow and a lot to do with the fact that it’s Sunday. My morning pranayama practice—the easy inhalations of coffee steam and the easy exhalations into stillness—cleared some space in my mind to make room for an unexpected urge to make blueberry pancakes. It came as a welcomed visitor, especially in light of how I’ve been feeling lately. The intensity of teaching a month-long teacher training is as draining as it is fulfilling, and so when my creativity emerges from underneath my exhaustion, I yield to its whims and try my best to just get out of its way

Sunday Avocado Toast
How much do I love avocado toast? Let me count the ways: every which way it’s possible to love avocado toast, I can assure you I do. The source of my infatuation lies in my obsession with avocados. The toast is merely the vehicle. That said, the rich, creamy texture of the avocado lends itself to the crunch of good bread.

Easy Roast Chicken
Roast chicken has always been one of my favorite comfort foods. Add a side of mashed potatoes, a simple salad, and a bottle of red wine, and I’m yours forever. In addition to being delicious, roast chicken is also a cinch to make; it takes about five minutes to prepare and then you can kick back and let your oven do the rest of the work. It’s the perfect compliment to a cozy Friday night, and the leftovers will keep you happy for days to come.

Yoga Gingerbread Cookies
Believe it or not, sometimes after a long day of work all I want to do is come home and bake. Baking soothes me. I like knowing that if I follow the directions, I’ll create something delicious. And since I’m usually the one telling everyone what to do, it’s a nice change of pace to follow orders. There’s something deeply meditative about following a step-by-step process—if I can commit myself to the recipe, everything else just seems to fall away.

Thanksgiving Centerpiece
Thanksgiving dinner is more than just the meal. It’s more than the table decorations and the pumpkin pie; it’s about the meaning behind our traditions. I think that’s why Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday; more important than the results is the intention behind what we do.

Yogurt Granola Parfaits
I tend to shop at the grocery store for the same items every week. I might have one or two special meals that require ingredients I wouldn’t normally buy, but for the most part I stick to the Chrissy and Billy staples. I have a menu routine that works for us and, with so many other balls to juggle in my life, I’m grateful for the comfort of my familiar groove.