Letting Go
Tension prevents us from letting go. Muscle tightness and the often chronic patterns of holding in our fascia make it almost impossible to feel a sense of release in our body. It’s the difference between swimming upstream and floating with the current. In our legs, especially, tension creates blockages that restrict our ability to relate to gravity. Instead of being able to exhale into the ground, tension keeps us holding on to the edge of the proverbial cliff.
Listening Eyes
It can be challenging to listen to someone openly, without an agenda. Rather than receiving them, we’re often searching for clues—picking up on words that fit into our storyline and then drafting our own version of what’s being said. Sometimes, I admit, I don’t fully listen to Billy when he’s talking. I’m not always present in our conversations because I’m either two steps behind, hung up on a word that has triggered some kind of reaction, or two steps ahead, strategizing my response. Or I stop listening because I think I already know what he’s going to say. I find that I do this with emails, too. Instead of focusing on what’s actually written, my eyes are skimming each line in search of meaning; my mind is eager to draw a conclusion. I’m reading what I want it to say. When I pay attention to my eyes in my yoga practice, I often catch them rummaging for familiar cues. My mind is looking for what it already assumes will be there.
Journaling Your Practice
I recently had the privilege of studying with Rodney Yee for four amazing days at Heathen Hill. Words can’t express how nourishing it was to be a student—to take off my teacher hat and just receive. There were only 18 of us in the room, most of whom were teachers, which created a very personal and intimate experience. Rodney held the space for us to practice openly and honestly with ourselves. I’m inspired by teachers who can offer intuitive instruction and then step out of the way; I find that this approach allows me to simultaneously refine and explore. And while it can be helpful to have a teacher accompany you on the scavenger hunt of experience, it’s also nice when they help you sharpen your tools and then send you off into the wild.
Shoulder Openers
Practicing asana has so many benefits, but it’s really nice when the work you’ve been investing on the mat starts to pay off in everyday life. I was applying suntan lotion the other day and as I reached my arm up my back to rub that notoriously difficult spot to reach between the shoulder blades, it occurred to me just how helpful Cow Face Arms (Gomukasana) has been to my sunbathing endeavors. I mean, what if, after years of neglecting your Gomukasana practice, you find yourself sunbathing alone by the pool with no one around to apply your sunscreen? Then, my friends, you’d find yourself in capital “T” trouble (and that rhymes with “P”, and that stands for pool, which you wouldn’t be able to enjoy because your back would get sunburned)
Get Grounded
It’s time to get grounded. Letting go of unconscious holding in the physical body gives us the tools we need to release patterns of holding in our mental and emotional lives. Try this sequence I’ve been playing with at home and experience a deep connection to your foundation and yourself.
Upward-Facing Dog
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward-Facing Dog) is often misunderstood. Its placement in the traditional Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation) sequence seems brilliantly strategic, offering what appears to be a well-deserved break after surviving Chaturanga. Flexible students take advantage of the hyper-mobility in their lumbar spines and shoulders by resting in their joints, whereas tighter students often strain their necks and shoulders as a way to compensate for stiffness in their upper backs, chests, and groins. Here are three preparatory poses that open and educate the component parts of Urdhva Mukha Svanasana.
Rest Deeply
Hard-wired to “achieve”, we’re conditioned to plow through intensity, discomfort or intuition rather than stopping to observe. Slowing down is not part of our vocabulary and reflection is often considered a luxury. We don’t notice how exhausted we are, or how far off the path we’ve wandered until we stop and choose to look. Finding the space to reflect will help you chart a thoughtful and deliberate course.
The Mighty Big Toe
I have rekindled a fascination with the big toe. I mentioned said fascination to my friend, Tzahi Moskovitz, to which he commented, “The big toe is very smart.” Indeed. It’s accessibility allows for a focused attention whose effects permeate up through the legs. In my own practice and exploration I’ve found a direct link between my big toes and my inner thighs. My abdominal work feels more grounded, my inversions feel lighter, and my backbends feel amazing. Here are some exercises I’ve been playing with to awaken my connection to this source of power (who knew)!