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02 Apr 2019
Spring Mood Board

Spring is in the air. Praise be. I’m so ready for warmer weather and longer days. It’s still chilly here in New York, BUT it’s all happening—we may not be able to SEE it, but we can FEEL it. The tulips and daffodils lining the city streets are just about to bloom, and I have to say—watching them push through the cold, hard ground reminds me to trust that growth is always happening, even when I can’t see it.
In my life, there has been a lot of change and A LOT of growth. Motherhood is blowing my mind. I’ve come so far over the past nine months, even if it doesn’t always feel that way. Each day brings its own set of challenges and joy. It’s overwhelming. Most of the time it feels like I’m treading water, but I just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Somehow, against all odds, I find I have arrived in a very different place.
We grow into change. Sure, it doesn’t always feel that way, like when life pulls the rug out from underneath us, or just plain swallows us up whole. But change doesn’t always make big waves. Change can be slow. Gradually, and maybe without even realizing it, we adapt, progress, and evolve. Small, seemingly insignificant shifts in our patterns can lead to big and sometimes radical change. I find it helpful to take a step back and really look at the road traveled in order to fully appreciate how far I’ve come. Reflection offers me the opportunity to not just realign myself with the changes in my life, but also with the changes I feel inside.

1 / Veja V-10 Sneakers; 2 / Ribbed Wool Sweater; 3 / Le Specs Sunglasses; 4 / Cotton Chambray Scarf; 5 / Soko Maxi Twisted Sia Studs; 6 / Rose Coverall Jumpsuit; 7 / Wide-Leg Crop Jeans; 8 / Adidas Ultraboost Sneakers; 9 / 3-in-1 Mini Bag; 10 / Belted Coat Cape; 11 / Floral-Print Midi-Dress; 12 / Wide-Leg Pants; 13 / Loafer Mule; 14 / Chunky Knit Sweater
I’m feeling the spirit of change in almost every aspect of my life. My yoga practice, for example, feels like night and day—physically, mentally, and energetically—from where I’ve been. Infertility, miscarriages, and IVF—and the resultant fear, grief, and hopelessness—kept me feeling slow and heavy on my mat. Now all I want to do is move. My practice has a lot of spring to it. Like, literally—I’ve been jumping, a LOT. Just ask my students!
Change is happening in my kitchen, too. I put away my big Le Creuset dutch oven, partly in protest—I’m done with winter. Stews and soups have made way for the easy throw-it-together kind of cooking I love. A little of this, a little of that, add some lemon juice, olive oil, and big flaky sea salt—et voilà! Simple and easy, and the only way to make food when you’re home alone with a baby!
Chloe has inspired a lot of spring cleaning, both in the literal and metaphorical sense. Now that I spend the majority of my day on the floor, I’m seeing my home from a completely different perspective. And it’s DIRTY. Who cleans their baseboards? Um, I do (now). I’m also spring cleaning my attitude. I’m working HARD to shift some of the mental patterns I’ve been wanting to change for a while. My new mantra: This is not a drill. Chloe is watching—always. The time to stop complaining about what I need to change and actually do something to change it is now.
Folks, I hope spring inspires you to align with the changes in your life, whether they’re coming from the outside-in or the inside-out. I hope it invites you to take a fresh look at your patterns, your home, and your practice, and make some conscious choices about how you want to move forward. My spring mood board captures the spirit of spring in my life. Need some inspiration? Look to nature, to your practice, or to the people that remind you it’s all inside.