gold fork, West Elm
02 Jul 2017
Strawberry Spinach Salad

I heard somewhere that a lot of kids these days don’t like strawberries. That’s crazy! Or is it? A “strawberry” you find in the grocery store in the dead of winter is not the same thing as a sweet, ruby red jewel plucked from a garden in June.
There are a lot of reasons to eat seasonally, but for me seasonal eating is a celebration of food in its truest essence at its fullest potential. When a strawberry is its most strawberries, it shines.
I LIVE for strawberry season, and this spinach salad gives me just one more excuse to eat all the strawberries! The ingredients are simple. You can’t possibly screw it up because each ingredient tastes inherently delicious. That’s my kind of eating.
Strawberry Spinach Salad
There are no measurements, except to go heavy on the strawberries.
fresh ricotta (goat cheese would also do)
walnuts, roughly chopped
aged balsamic
extra virgin olive oil
freshly cracked black pepper
crunch Maldon sea salt