Nursery Reveal
If you’ve been following me for any length of time, then you probably know I love design and decor. So you can probably imagine how excited I was to decorate a nursery. Even in the darkest moments of my fertility journey, it was something I looked forward to—it lifted my spirits. I never had a specific vision for the nursery, but of course it was going to reflect my personal style. I approached the nursery with the same design philosophy that inspires my home: simple and clean, with a focus on versatility.

California Dreamin’
This East Coast gal has a confession to make: I’ve got a major crush on California. My heart may belong to a white clapboard saltbox home, but I could really get behind a bogevelia-covered beach bungalow. Don’t worry, I’m not moving, even if the weather is perfect and they have an unlimited supply of ripe avocados.

The Story of Things
I think it was their shape that caught my eye. All of those angles drenched in shiny lacquer. Standing there in the middle of CB2 staring at them, I was transported to a handsome library drenched in dark navy walls with antique leather chairs and brass finishes. I could see the boxes resting on a shelf next to a collection of wine-colored books; the gold lettering on their bindings seemed to play off of the reflective lacquer of their hexagonal neighbors. As I stood in that library studying the boxes, wondering what was inside, I imagined what they would look like on a low, wide coffee table in a sun drenched living room in a Hampton’s beach house. Inside, there would be seashells.