Fall 2024
Fall is here! I’m having a full on love affair with autumn — the crisp mornings, the light, the Nancy Meyers energy.

Winter 2024
It’s winter again and so far I’m managing to stay out of the blahs which feels like a big deal. It helps that we’re finally feeling settled in our new home. I can’t believe it’s been a year since we moved in. Wow. Time flies. Also, it feels like we’ve been here forever — like it has always been our home.

Summer 2023
I feel like I’ve been waiting for this particular summer my whole life. Living in a farm house in the country and settling into this new chapter with my family is enough to make my heart burst.

Winter 2023
It’s been a while since I’ve created a mood board. Going in, I wasn’t sure if I would remember how to make one or if there was even a point in making one at all. As soon as I started pulling images, my doubt fell away and I quickly remembered why I love making mood boards—they help me see how I feel. As a visual person, a mood board gives me a direct line to my experience.

Spring 2022
Did I mention that I’m over winter? I’ve been complaining about it a lot—the dark, the cold, the never-ending bleakness of it all. To be honest, it hasn’t been all that bad. I am loving so many things about our first winter in Connecticut. There have been cozy afternoons by the fire with a glass of wine, snow days with Chloé discovering the joy of hot chocolate with mini marshmallows, and lots of slow cooking.

Summer 2021
This summer marks the start of a new season in my life. We’re moving to Connecticut! I’m sl-o-o-o-wly starting to wrap my head around this change.

Spring 2021
Thank God it’s spring. The flowers are blooming, the sun is shining, and I’m fully vaccinated. I can’t help but nurture a sense of hope. This hope feels simultaneously audacious and justified. I have moments of genuine lightness despite feeling the usual current of anxiety and overwhelm. Some days are harder than others, but I’m finding it easier to return to a place of steadiness within myself.

Winter 2021
The sun is out today and it feels like a really big deal. Spring is coming. That’s what I’m holding out for in the midst of this bleak winter. I don’t know about you, but I’ve hit a wall. It’s a lot, friends. Sometimes I wonder how on earth we’re supposed to sustain this level of intensity, and then I remind myself that none of this is normal. It’s my mantra on repeat: This is not normal. This is not normal. It validates my experience and also makes me feel overwhelmed.

Fall 2020
This summer I became a summer person. I’ve always thought of myself as a fall person, but 2020 has turned everything upside-down, and I’m no longer who I was before. Hell, I’m not even who I was last week, which was technically a lifetime ago. Now I’m a summer person.