Winter 2024
It’s winter again and so far I’m managing to stay out of the blahs which feels like a big deal. It helps that we’re finally feeling settled in our new home. I can’t believe it’s been a year since we moved in. Wow. Time flies. Also, it feels like we’ve been here forever — like it has always been our home.

Winter 2023
It’s been a while since I’ve created a mood board. Going in, I wasn’t sure if I would remember how to make one or if there was even a point in making one at all. As soon as I started pulling images, my doubt fell away and I quickly remembered why I love making mood boards—they help me see how I feel. As a visual person, a mood board gives me a direct line to my experience.

Spring 2022
Did I mention that I’m over winter? I’ve been complaining about it a lot—the dark, the cold, the never-ending bleakness of it all. To be honest, it hasn’t been all that bad. I am loving so many things about our first winter in Connecticut. There have been cozy afternoons by the fire with a glass of wine, snow days with Chloé discovering the joy of hot chocolate with mini marshmallows, and lots of slow cooking.

Spring 2021
Thank God it’s spring. The flowers are blooming, the sun is shining, and I’m fully vaccinated. I can’t help but nurture a sense of hope. This hope feels simultaneously audacious and justified. I have moments of genuine lightness despite feeling the usual current of anxiety and overwhelm. Some days are harder than others, but I’m finding it easier to return to a place of steadiness within myself.

Winter 2021
The sun is out today and it feels like a really big deal. Spring is coming. That’s what I’m holding out for in the midst of this bleak winter. I don’t know about you, but I’ve hit a wall. It’s a lot, friends. Sometimes I wonder how on earth we’re supposed to sustain this level of intensity, and then I remind myself that none of this is normal. It’s my mantra on repeat: This is not normal. This is not normal. It validates my experience and also makes me feel overwhelmed.