Isabel Marant sweater; J. Crew jeans; Converse sneakers
05 Mar 2016
Weekend at Home

I’m curled up on my sofa wearing ripped jeans and my favorite sweater, enjoying every single second of being at home with nothing to do. Actually, I have about a million things to do, but I’m not going to do any of them. That’s the real gift of spending an entire weekend at home: it’s an invitation to make a conscious choice to let go, spread out, and see what happens. I may just lounge around and veg, but I also know full well that as soon as I declare autonomy from my to-do list, I immediately feel reinvigorated to get things done; it’s like reverse psychology for my nervous system!
It’s important to step away from our to-do lists and our expectations, especially when we’re feeling overwhelmed by the seemingly infinite number of things we have to do (including all of the things we were supposed to get done weeks ago yesterday). It’s sort of an insidious suffering to always feel like you’re behind. While it may feel strangely terrifying to abandon the always urgent and omnipresent items on our to-do lists, tearing ourselves away, if even for just a brief moment, has the power to shift our perspective. Time expands. The heaviness that weighs on our spirit lightens, and all of a sudden the impossible feels possible. Being at home provides us with a safe space to examine our relationship with the external world. It plugs us into our source and reminds us to focus on the things that matter.

Aromatherapy Associates Bath Oils
These quiet moments of nothingness are so precious to me because I rarely have a weekend where I don’t have to teach. This weekend I’m planning on not planning a thing. I’m going to cook and nap. I might go wild and take a bath in the middle of the day with my Aromatherapy Associates bath box where I’ll be faced with the most challenging decision of my weekend: do I need to “Relax Light” or “Relax Deep?” I hope you find time this weekend to let go of your agenda and relax. Be at h(om)e with yourself. Do nothing and everything. That’s the true art of living.

Sounds a wonderful retreat for body and soul. I always get this guilt feeling from